PPM Menu

The program ppm_menu can be used to edit and create images. The program keeps track of 3 PPM objects: input image 1, input image 2, and output image.


The quit command terminates the program.

Reading and writing images

The commands read1 and read2 read a PPM file into the input images. The command write writes to a PPM file from the output image. draw-ascii is an additional output mode, displaying the output image to the terminal in a simple ASCII art format. The copy command allows us to copy from input image 1 into the output image.

Image editing

We also provide some primitive image editing commands. These commands generally work on the input image 1. The size command sets the image dimensions, and the max-color-value command assigns the maximum allowable color value for any color channel.

The channel and pixel commands allow the user to change the color of individual pixels.

Drawing to multiple pixels

The clear command sets all pixels to black. The circle and box commands allow the user to set a color for a group of pixels in a circular or rectangular shape.

Image filters

Image filters are commands that work on a group of pixels at the same time, in the same way. Some filters use only input image 1, while others use both input images. Some filters modify input image 1, and other filters modify the output image.

Filters that modify input image 1 using only input image 1

*= and /= modify the pixels of input image 1 using the pixels of input image 1 and a user specified number, with the mathematical operation specified in the command name on a channel by channel basis.

Filters that modify input image 1 using both input images

+= and -= modify the pixels of input image 1 using the pixels of input image 1 and input image 2, with the mathematical operation specified in the command name on a channel by channel basis.

Filters that modify the output image using only input image 1

* and / modify the pixels of the output image using the pixels of input image 1 and a user specified number, with the mathematical operation specified in the command name on a channel by channel basis.

red-gray, green-gray, blue-gray, and linear-gray modify the pixels of the output image using the pixels from input image 1. The output image only contains grayscale colors.

Filters that modify output image using both input images

+ and - modify the pixels of the output image using the pixels of input image 1 and input image 2, with the mathematical operation specified in the command name on a channel by channel basis.

Image Creation via Paint by Numbers

In the paint by numbers mode, the user specifies the desired size of the image and a color pallet as a numbered table of colors. The user then chooses the color for each pixel in the image by putting the number of a color from the color table in a grid. Finally, the numbers in the grid are used to lookup colors in the table, and those colors are used to assign to the output image.

The paint by numbers process:

Selecting the pattern

complex-fractal, julia, and mandelbrot allow the user to select the form. Some versions of the program may have additional patterns based on student choices during assignments, personal interest, or exam work.

Number Grid Configuration

The grid command allows the user to choose the size of the number grid, which is the ultimate size of the output image. It also sets the maximum numeric value that can be stored in a grid location.

Number Grid Manual Editing

grid-set allows the user to manually configure the number in a grid location.

Number Grid Computational Editing

Algorithms may be used to insert numbers into the number grid according to a mathematical pattern.

The process for computational editing is:

Configuring the pattern

Most patterns are mappings between computations using real numbers in the number plane and the discrete row and column numbers of a grid location. fractal-plane-size allows the user to configure the region of the number plane that is mapped to the number grid rows and columns.

Some pattern forms have additional configuration options. julia-parameters allows the user to configure numeric parameters that control the Julia set pattern, if it is the currently selected choice.

Computing and storing numbers

fractal-calculate and fractal-calculate-single-thread are used to compute the grid numbers by the selected and configured pattern, and store the numbers in the grid.

Defining a Color Table

There is a built-in color table that the user can choose to use. But, there are additional commands to allow for a user created color table.

set-color-table-size sets the number of colors in the color table. set-color allows the user to configure the red/green/blue values for one color in the color table. set-random-color assigns a random set of red/green/blue values to the user selected color in the color table.

set-color-gradient sets a range of colors in the color table. The user selects the first and last color in the range, and the program linearly extrapolates between these two colors to fill in the spaces in the color table between them.

Translating Numbers and Colors to an Image

This is the last step in the paint by numbers image creation mode. It is assumed that the color table has been configured correctly, and the number grid has been configured correctly before this operation.

grid-apply uses the numbers in the grid and the colors in the built-in color table to assign pixel colors to the output image. grid-apply-color-table uses the numbers in the grid and the colors in the color table to assign pixel colors to the output image.

Command Files

The user can create command files that with a sequence of commands to executed, then feed these commands to the program. This is convenient for creating an image by iterative updates to the commands, without having to retype all of the commands every iteration.

For example, if the commands are stored in a file named pretty_picture.txt, the commands can be used like this:

./ppm_menu < pretty_picture.txt

Sample pretty_picture.txt

# select the desired pattern
# configure the grid size and maximum number
grid 400 600 200
# configure the pattern
fractal-plane-size -1.2 0.0  0.0 0.8
julia-parameters -0.4 0.6
# compute and store the numbers
# <<<<<<<<< Start Color Table >>>>>>>>>>>>
set-color-table-size 101
set-color-gradient 0 255 0 0  50 255 255 255
set-color-gradient 50 255 255 255 100 0 255 0
# <<<<<<<<< End Color Table >>>>>>>>>>>>
# create output image
# save image to file
write pretty_picture.ppm
# done

Notice the # command is used to add comments to the command file that don’t affect the picture created, but give the human user information about the commands.

Download pretty_picture.txt


Download pretty_picture.ppm

Table of Commands

Command Name Function Name Description
quit quit “Quit.”
# commentLine “Comment to end of line.”
read1 readUserImage1 “Read file into input image 1.”
read2 readUserImage2 “Read file into input image 2.”
write writeUserImage “Write output image to file.”
copy copyImage “Copy input image 1 to output image.”
draw-ascii drawAsciiImage “Write output image to terminal as ASCII art.”
size setSize “Set the size of input image 1.”
max-color-value setMaxColorValue “Set the max color value of input image 1.”
channel setChannel “Set a channel value in input image 1.”
pixel setPixel “Set a pixel’s 3 values in input image 1.”
clear clearAll “Set all pixels to 0,0,0 in input image 1.”
circle drawCircle Draw a circle shape in input image 1.
box drawBox Draw a box shape in input image 1.
”+=” plusEquals “Set input image 1 by adding in input image 2.”
”-=” minusEquals “Set input image 1 by subtracting input image 2.”
“*=” timesEquals “Set input image 1 by multiplying by a number.”
”/=” divideEquals “Set input image 1 by dividing by a number.”
”+” plus “Set output image from sum of input image 1 and input image 2.”
”-” minus “Set output image from difference of input image 1 and input image 2.”
“*” times “Set output image from input image 1 multiplied by a number.”
”/” divide “Set output image from input image 1 divided by a number.”
red-gray grayFromRed Set output image by grayscale from red on input image 1.
green-gray grayFromGreen Set output image by grayscale from green on input image 1.
blue-gray grayFromBlue Set output image by grayscale from blue on input image 1.
linear-gray grayFromLinearColorimetric Set output image by linear colorimetric grayscale on input image 1.
Paint by Numbers
grid configureGrid Configure the grid.
grid-set setGrid Set a single value in the grid.
grid-apply applyGrid Use the grid values to set colors in the output image.
grid-apply-color-table applyGridColorTable Use the grid values to set colors in the output image using the color table.
fractal-plane-size setFractalPlaneSize Set the dimensions of the grid in the complex plane.
julia-parameters setJuliaParameters Set the parameters of the Julia Set function.
complex-fractal setComplexFractal Choose to make a complex plane.
julia setJuliaFractal Choose to make a Julia set.
mandelbrot setMandelbrotFractal Choose to make a Mandelbrot set.
set-color-table-size setColorTableSize Change the number of slots in the color table.
set-color setColor Set the RGB values for one slot in the color table.
set-random-color setRandomColor Randomly set the RGB values for one slot in the color table.
set-color-gradient setColorGradient Smoothly set the RGB values for a range of slots in the color table.
fractal-calculate calculateFractal Calculate the escape values for the fractal.
fractal-calculate-single-thread calculateFractalSingleThread Calculate the escape values for the fractal, single-thread.

Last Updated 11/07/2023