Study Guide: CI/CD, Git, YAML, and Advanced Deployment Strategies

Section 1: Git Basics

  1. git pull and git pull --rebase:

    • Understand the purpose of these commands.
    • Know when to use --rebase and its implications.
  2. Unstaging Changes:

    • Learn how to unstage changes using the appropriate Git command.
    • Be able to describe common scenarios where this is useful.
  3. git commit --amend:

    • Explain the function of git commit --amend and when to use it.
    • Understand its impact on commit history.

Section 2: Git Merge Strategies

  1. Rebase Operation:

    • Describe what happens to commit history during a rebase operation.
    • Differentiate between rebase and merge.
  2. Interactive Rebase:

    • Explain the purpose of interactive rebasing.
    • Describe scenarios where interactive rebase is valuable.

Section 3: YAML

  1. YAML Anchors:

    • Define YAML anchors and how they are used in YAML documents.
    • Recognize examples of YAML anchors in configuration files.
  2. Multi-line Strings:

    • Understand how multi-line strings are represented in YAML.
    • Learn the common indicators for multi-line strings.

Section 4: CI/CD Basics

  1. Continuous Integration (CI):

    • Define CI and its importance in the software development process.
    • Explain how CI contributes to code quality.
  2. Continuous Delivery (CD):

    • Clarify the role of CD in software development.
    • Discuss the difference between CI and CD.
  3. Immutable Infrastructure:

    • Define “Immutable Infrastructure” in the context of CI/CD.
    • Explain why it’s relevant in modern software deployment.

Section 5: Git Commits

  1. Clean Commits:
    • Understand why clean commits are important.
    • Describe the characteristics of a clean commit message.

Section 6: CircleCI Basics

  1. CircleCI Introduction:

    • Define CircleCI and its role in CI/CD.
    • Enumerate the benefits of using CircleCI.
  2. CircleCI Job and Workflow:

    • Differentiate between a job and a workflow in CircleCI.
    • Explain their significance in defining CI/CD pipelines.
  3. Context and Environment:

    • Distinguish between “context” and “environment” in CircleCI.
    • Understand how they are used to manage secrets and configuration.

Section 7: Canary Deploys

  1. Canary Deployments:

    • Define what Canary deployments are and why they exist.
    • Understand their primary objectives in the software release process.
  2. Control Group:

    • Define the concept of a control group in Canary deployments.
    • Clarify the role of the control group in monitoring and testing.

Test Preparation Tips:

Use this study guide to review the key concepts and topics covered in the test, and don’t forget to practice with real-world examples and scenarios to solidify your understanding. Good luck with your test preparation!

Last Updated 10/16/2023