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CS 1410: Pong

In computer science, classes and object-oriented programming are very commonly used when creating programs that involve computer graphics and graphical user interfaces. To display something visually on the screen, like a button, a class is used to represent a Button, and multiple instances of the Button class can be created to display multiple buttons on the screen at one time. This is the foundation on which all modern applications are created, whether it’s on your computer, phone, or television.

Pong was one of the first arcade games released to the public. In this assignment, you will create a version of the game. You can watch the two player version in many places.


Your assignment is to create a program using Python and PyGame that allows two users to play Pong, using the architecture listed below.

This is a sketch of the active elements you will be creating for this project:

Full Pong Window Sketch

Part 1

The assignment is broken into two pieces. In the first part you are required to create the Ball class. We have provided Ball class unit tests.

The Ball class has a large number of data members, getter methods for most of the members and about a dozen methods to handle the details of the ball’s movement and interactions with the paddles and walls.

It is common to use the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to describe an outline for a class in a program’s architecture. This UML diagram lists the data members and methods for the Ball class. The top section lists the required data members. Note that UML does not display self., as it is implied. The bottom section lists the required methods, their names, and their parameter lists. Note that UML does not display the self parameter, as it is implied. The + at the front of each line means that this method is intended to be used by other parts of the program. We use the term “public”. The data members do not have a +. This is because other parts of the program should not use the data members directly.

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Ball Data Members

The data members may be easier to understand while looking at a picture.

Pong Ball Data Member Sketch

The data members track the position, size and speed of the Ball. They also keep track of the boundaries of the ball’s travel, and the relevant location information for the two paddles. Note that this is not a complete representation of the paddles or the walls. It’s just enough to let the ball know how to move correctly.

mX and mY

This is the position of the top-left corner of the ball, measured in pixels. The values may be floating point numbers.


This is the length, in pixels, of the sides of the ball. The ball is a square.

mDX and mDY

This is the speed of the ball. DX is short for delta-x, and DY for delta-y. These are measured in pixels per second.


This is the smallest value that mX may be set to. It represents the wall on the left side of the screen.


This is the largest X value that any part of the ball can have. It represents the wall on the right side of the screen. Remember that the ball is mSize pixels wide. The largest value of mX must be mSize less than mMaxX.


This is the smallest value that mY may be set to. It represents the wall on the top of the screen.


This is the largest Y value that any part of the ball can have. It represents the wall on the bottom of the screen. Remember that the ball is mSize pixels high. The largest value of mY must be mSize less than mMaxY.


This represents the side of the left paddle that the ball may bounce from.


This represents the top of the left paddle.


This represents the bottom of the left paddle.


This represents the side of the right paddle that the ball may bounce from.


This represents the top of the right paddle.


This represents the bottom of the right paddle.

Ball Methods

The Ball class has a long list of methods, but many are simple getter methods. We will not discuss them here, but you must implement them for the unit tests to pass.

__init__(size, min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, left_paddle_x, right_paddle_x)

This method initializes all of the data members shown in the UML diagram. Many of the data members are initialized from the parameters to the method. Set mX and mY using min_x and min_y. Set mDX and mDY to 0. set the paddle mininum y values to min_y and the paddle maximum y values to max_y. If you’re not sure what initial value to assign to a data member, ask in the class discussion forums.


Implement all of the getters shown in the UML diagram.

setPosition(x, y)

Updates the mX and mY data members, but only if the new values are within the minimum and maximum values specified by the data members. If either of the new values is incorrect, do not change anything.

setSpeed(dx, dy)

Updates the mDX and mDY data members. Does not check the values.

setLeftPaddleY(paddle_min_y, paddle_max_y)

Updates the mLeftPaddleMinY and mLeftPaddleMaxY data members, but only if the new values are within the minimum and maximum values specified by the data members. Only sets the two data members if the parameters are valid. This means the minimum must not be less than mMinY and the maximum must not be more than mMaxY. Also, the minimum must be less than the maximum.

setRightPaddleY(paddle_min_y, paddle_max_y)

Updates the mRightPaddleMinY and mRightPaddleMaxY data members, but only if the new values are within the minimum and maximum values specified by the data members. See notes in setLeftPaddleY.


Receives the proposed new_y value for the ball. If traveling from the current y position to the new y position would not cause the ball to bounce from the top wall, then return new_y unchanged. If the value would cause the ball to bounce, then reverse the sign of mDY, calculate the corrected new_y value and return the corrected value. The picture below may help.

Pong Ball checkTop Diagram


Receives the proposed new_y value for the ball. If the new y value would not cause the ball to bounce from the bottom wall, then return new_y unchanged. If the value would cause the ball to bounce, then reverse the sign of mDY, calculate the corrected new_y value and return the corrected value. This is similar to checkTop, but you need to include the ball’s size in your calculations. This is because the bottom of the ball will bounce from the bottom wall. This is similar to the way checkRight accounts for the right side of the ball touching the right wall.


Receives the proposed new_x value for the ball. If the new x value would not cause the ball to touch the left wall, then return new_x unchanged. If the value would cause the ball to touch, then stop the ball, calculate the corrected new_x value and return it. Note that this will cause the ball to stick to the wall where it touches.


Receives the proposed new_x value for the ball. If the new x value would not cause the ball to touch the right wall, then return new_x unchanged. If the value would cause the ball to touch, then stop the ball, calculate the corrected new_x value and return it. Note that this will cause the ball to stick to the wall where it touches.

The picture below may help.

Pong Ball checkRight Diagram

checkLeftPaddle(new_x, new_y)

Receives the proposed new_x and new_y values for the ball. If the new x and new y values would not cause the ball to touch the left paddle, then return new_x unchanged. If the value would cause the ball to touch, then bounce the ball from the paddle. This requires the mDX to change signs. Calculate the corrected new_x value and return it.

If the ball’s x coordinate is already to the left of the paddle’s coordinate, there is no collision. If the ball is moving right, there is no collision.

To touch the paddle, the ball’s mid_y value must be between the paddle’s minimum and maximum y values. mid_y is the average of the ball’s current y position, and the new y position. The picture below may help.

Note that this is not a perfect collision algorithm, but it will suffice for the game we are creating.

Pong Ball checkLeftPaddle Diagram

checkRightPaddle(new_x, new_y)

Receives the proposed new_x and new_y values for the ball. If the new x and new y values would not cause the ball to touch the right paddle, then return new_x unchanged. If the value would cause the ball to touch, then bounce the ball from the paddle. This requires the mDX to change signs. Calculate the corrected new_x value and return it.

To touch the paddle, the ball’s mid_y value must be between the paddle’s minimum and maximum y values.


Receives dt, the amount of seconds that have passed since the last frame. Uses mX, mDX and dt to calculate new_x, the proposed new x position of the ball. Does similarly to calculate new_y. Uses checkTop, checkBottom, checkLeft, checkRight, checkLeftPaddle and checkRightPaddle to update the values of new_x and new_y. Note that these methods will also change the sign of mDX and/or mDY if necessary. move doesn’t need to worry about it. Finally sets mX and mY from the possibly updated values of new_x and new_y.

serveLeft(x, min_y, max_y, min_dx, max_dx, min_dy, max_dy)

Recieves several parameters. Sets the ball’s position using the x parameter and a y-value randomly chosen between min_y and max_y. You may want to look at the random.uniform() function. Sets the ball’s mDX to a randomly chosen value between min_dx and max_dx. Sets the ball’s mDY to a randomly chosen value between min_dy and max_dy

serveRight(x, min_y, max_y, min_dx, max_dx, min_dy, max_dy)

Recieves several parameters. Sets the ball’s position using the x parameter and a y-value randomly chosen between min_y and max_y. You may want to look at the random.uniform() function. Sets the ball’s mDX to a randomly chosen value between -min_dx and -max_dx. Sets the ball’s mDY to a randomly chosen value between min_dy and max_dy


Uses PyGame to draw the rectangle for the ball. There are no unit tests for this method. It will be verified during the acceptance tests for pass-off of the full game.

Part 2

This part of the assignment requires the addition of classes for Paddle, Wall, ScoreBoard and Pong.

Each of the classes has required data members and methods. The updated UML Diagram contains all of the classes and their required methods. Not all data members or methods will be discussed below. If you have questions, ask.

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All Pong unit tests.

Paddle class

Paddle Data Members

mX and mY

This is the position of the top-left corner of the paddle, measured in pixels. The values may be floating point numbers.

mWidth and mHeight

This is the horizontal and vertical size of the paddle’s rectangle, measured in pixels.


This is the vertical speed of the paddle, measured in pixels per second.

mMinY and mMaxY

These describe the position of the top and bottom walls. The paddle may not cross into either wall.

Paddle Methods


Initialize the paddle data members from the parameters. min_y and max_y refer to the top and bottom of the field of play.


Implement the getters.


Returns the x coordinate of the right side of the paddle.


Returns the y coordinate of the bottom of the paddle.


Updates the y position of the paddle. If the new y position would cause the top of the paddle to go into the top wall or the bottom of the paddle to go int the bottom wall, do not make any changes.


Updates the y position of the paddle based on the time dt, and the paddle’s speed. If the paddle would move into the top of the allowed region, stop at the top.


Updates the y position of the paddle based on the time dt, and the paddle’s speed. If the paddle would move into the bottom of the allowed region, stop at the bottom.


Uses PyGame to draw the rectangle for the paddle. There are no unit tests for this method. It will be verified during the pass-off of the full game.

Wall class

Wall Data Members

mX and mY

This is the top-left position of the wall, measured in pixels.

mWidth and mHeight

This is the horizontal and vertical size of the wall, measured in pixels.

Wall Methods


Initialize the wall data members from the parameters.


Implement the getters.


Returns the x coordinate of the right side of the wall.


Returns the y coordinate of the bottom of the wall.


Uses PyGame to draw the rectangle for the wall. There are no unit tests for this method. It will be verified during the pass-off of the full game.

ScoreBoard class

ScoreBoard Data Members

mX and mY

This is the top-left corner of the rectangle that contains the score board. Measured in pixels.

mWidth and mHeight

This is the horizontal and vertical size of the rectangle that contains the score board. Measured in pixels.

mLeftScore and mRightScore

These are the numeric scores of the left and right players. Stored as integers, measured in points.


This records information about which player should serve next. 1 means left player serves next. 2 means right player serves next. 3 means left has won. 4 means right has won.

ScoreBoard Methods


Initialize the data members from the parameters. Set mLeftScore and mRightScore to 0. Set mServeStatus to 1, which means it is the left player’s turn to serve. The mServeStatus data member can be 1: left’s turn to serve, 2: right’s turn to serve, 3: left has won or 4: right has won.


Implement the getters.


If the mServeStatus indicates the game is over, return True. Otherwise, return False.


Give a point to the player on the left. If the left player’s score is 9, then set status to left player win. This method should make no changes if the game is already over.


Give a point to the player on the right. If the right player’s score is 9, then status to right player win. This method should make no changes if the game is already over.


If the serve status is left serve, change it to right serve. If it is right serve, change it to left serve. If the game is already over, do not change anything.


Uses PyGame to draw the score in the area defined by the data members. Use the Text class provided with the starter code to draw text. There are no unit tests for this method. It will be verified during the pass-off of the full game.

Pong class

There is a Pong class included with the starter kit download. It uses all of your classes to implement the game. Your acceptance test is to demonstrate the working game.

Extra Challenges


Last Updated 09/27/2019